Prediction Impact Bi-Annual Newsletter September, 2009 |
Predictive Analytics events and news in this edition:
Webinar: The Top Business Applications of Predictive Analytics
Article: Interview with a Layman Leading the Netflix Prize
Webinar: Optimizing Business Decisions with Predictive Analytics
Conference: Extra Value at Predictive Analytics World - Oct 20-21
Poll: Take the PAW MicroPoll - Results in 15 Seconds
Tutorial: The Top 7 Business Applications of Predictive Analytics
Training Seminar: Predictive Analytics - Nov 11-12
Online Course: Predictive Analytics Applied - On-demand any time
Call-For-Speakers: Predictive Analytics World, Feb 16-17
Services: Predictive Analytics Consultation and Resources
Webinar Tomorrow: The Top Business Applications of Predictive Analytics - Sept 23 Webinar: Sept 23, 2009, 1:00pm ET (10am PT)
Driving Decisions with Predictive Analytics: The Top Business Applications
Presented by: Eric Siegel, Ph.D. Conference Chair, Predictive Analytics World
value proposition is straight-forward and proven: Predictive analytics
produces business insight that delivers. The customer predictions
generated by predictive analytics deliver more relevant content to each
customer, improving response rates, click rates, buying behavior,
retention and overall profit.
Harnessing value with predictive
analytics depends on some careful choices: What kind of customer
behavior you predict and which operational decisions you automate with
it. In making these choices, you position precisely how this technology
is applied.
Dr. Siegel will be joined by Anne Milley from SAS in
a discussion of the top business applications of predictive analytics.
Audience members will learn:
- How predictive analytics automatically derives models for decision automation by learning from experience
- The top business applications of analytical prediction
Click here to watch the archived webinar |
Article: An Interview with a Layman Leading the Netflix Prize, Martin Chabbert New article:
Casual Rocket Scientists: An Interview with a Layman Leading the Netflix Prize, Martin Chabbert
By Eric Siegel, Ph.D. Conference Chair, Predictive Analytics World
couple of non-analytical laymen launched a mission to win the Netflix
Prize, arguably the most high profile analytical competition to date.
And these "casual part-timers" have succeeded - they compose one of
three teams that together won the Prize. Martin Chabbert provides a
tell-all interview, advocating adept engineering over innovative
science. Their work and this competition as a whole are so
cutting-edge, they make the space race look like good ol' "Flash
Click here for the entire article |
Training: Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing & Web - Nov 11-12, San Francisco Program: Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing and Web Dates: Two-day intensive sessions in Nov 11-12, 2009 Locations: San Francisco
98% of attendees since Oct. 2008 rated this program Excellent or Very Good. (details)
**The official training program of Predictive Analytics World**
Bring this course on-site. Give your personnel a complete understanding of predictive analytics, on your premises and at your convenience.
About This Seminar Business
metrics do a great job summarizing the past. But if you want to predict
how customers will respond in the future, there is one place to turn¸ -
predictive analytics. By learning from your abundant historical
data, predictive analytics provides the marketer something beyond
standard business reports and sales forecasts: actionable predictions
for each customer. These predictions encompass all channels, both
online and off, foreseeing which customers will buy, click, respond,
convert or cancel. If you predict it, you own it.
customer predictions generated by predictive analytics deliver more
relevant content to each customer, improving response rates, click
rates, buying behavior, retention and overall profit. For online
applications such as e-marketing and customer care recommendations,
predictive analytics acts in real-time, dynamically selecting the ad,
web content or cross-sell product each visitor is most likely to click
on or respond to, according to that visitor's profile. This is AB selection, rather than just AB testing.
Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing and Web is a concentrated training program that includes interactive breakout sessions and a brief hands-on exercise. In two days we cover:
- The techniques, tips and pointers you need in order to run a successful predictive analytics and data mining initiative
- How to strategically position and tactically deploy predictive analytics and data mining at your company
- How to bridge the prevalent gap between technical understanding and practical use
- How a predictive model works, how it's created and how much revenue it generates
- Several detailed case studies that demonstrate predictive analytics in action and make the concepts concrete
- NEW TOPIC: Five Ways to Lower Costs with Predictive Analytics
Instructor: Eric Siegel, Ph.D.
background in statistics or modeling is required. The only specific
knowledge assumed for this training program is moderate experience with
Microsoft Excel or equivalent.
Cross-Registration Special: Attendees earn $250 off the Predictive Analytics World Conference
course details, topic outlines, instructor bio, venue information,
registration, on-site training options, and registration specials, see: |
ONLINE COURSE: Predictive Analytics Applied Available on-demand, at your convenience - self-paced e-learning
Predictive analytics
is business intelligence technology that produces a predictive score
for each customer or prospect. Each customer's predictive score informs
actions to be taken with that customer¸ - business intelligence just
doesn't get more actionable than that.
Predictive Analytics Applied is a self-paced online course of four concentrated sessions of 60 to 90 minutes each covering:
- Applications: Business, marketing and web problems solved with predictive analytics
- Core technology: How a predictive model works and how it's created
- Evaluation: Measuring how well a predictive model works and how much revenue it generates
- Process: Management and project leadership for predictive analytics
- Illustrations: Live demos and detailed case studies
- Hands-on: Get your hands dirty for 20 minutes with a revealing Excel-based exercise
Personalized support: Online training participants also receive 30 minutes of Q-and-A support with the instructor via telephone or email.
session of this self-paced e-learning program may be viewed at your
convenience. Since no travel is required and the registration fee is
one-third the fee of the in-person training, it provides an economical
alternative for ramping up on predictive analytics.
View the free sneak preview video right now
Instructor: Eric Siegel, Ph.D.
Cross-Registration Special: Participants may apply half the registration fee towards the Predictive Analytics World Conference.
For more information and to register for immediate access, see: |
Call-For-Speakers: Predictive Analytics World, Feb 16-17 in San Francisco The next Predictive Analytics World is October 20-21, 2009, in Washington DC - see the full program here
- but it's time to plan the program for the one thereafter, PAW
February 16-17, 2010 in downtown San Francisco, CA at the Palace Hotel.
Join Predictive Analytics World (
to share how predictive analytics delivers a business impact for your
organization. Here is the opportunity to present your work deploying
predictive analytics, predictive modeling, product recommendations,
response modeling, churn modeling, behavior-based content/ad selection,
customer segmentation, fraud detection or other incarnations of
predictive analytics.
The PAW call-for-speakers
has been updated - if you are considering submitting, please give it a
complete read-through. If you are a software vendor, be sure to note
the new restriction on vendor sessions.
Speaker Proposals Deadline: Sept 25, 2009
Click here for the PAW call-for-speakers |
SERVICES: Predictive Analytics Consultation and Resources 
predictive analytics, each customer's predictive score informs what
action to take with that customer. Business intelligence just doesn't
get more actionable than that!"
- Eric Siegel, Ph.D., President
Based in San Francisco, Prediction Impact, Inc. (
provides consulting services over a range of disciplines, including
predictive analytics, data mining, business intelligence, and text
mining. Prediction Impact consultants have gained a great deal of
commercial experience, working with large banks, manufacturers, retail
firms, and online businesses, and enabling these organizations to learn
from their data. Most Prediction Impact consultants have earned
advanced degrees in relevant fields, demonstrating adept familiarity
with core predictive modeling methods.
For more information, contact Eric Siegel, Ph.D., President:
phone: (415) 683-1146 email: |