Predictive analytics events and news in this edition:
Training. Predictive analytics seminar: Sept-Chicago, Oct-Washington DC, Nov-San Francisco
New conference. Predictive Analytics Word: Feb 18-19, 2009
Call for speakers. Predictive Analytics World
Online course. Predictive Analytics Applied: On-demand and self-paced
Talk. Predictive analytics session at the Enterprise Decision Management Summit
Article. How to Use Predictive Modeling to Boost Your ROI
Analytics conference. eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit: Oct 20-24 in DC
Article. Capitalize on Your Data with Predictive Analytics
Services. Information about Prediction Impact, Inc
Program: Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing and Web
Dates: September 24-25, October 24-25, November 6-7, 2008
Locations: Chicago (Sept), Washington DC (Oct), San Francisco (Nov)
94% rate this program Excellent or Very Good. (details)
**The official training program of Predictive Analytics World**
**Offered in conjunction with eMetrics events.**
About This Seminar
Business metrics do a great job summarizing the past. But if you want to predict how customers will respond in the future, there is one place to turn — predictive analytics. By learning from your abundant historical data, predictive analytics provides the marketer something beyond standard business reports and sales forecasts: actionable predictions for each customer. These predictions encompass all channels, both online and off, foreseeing which customers will buy, click, respond, convert or cancel. If you predict it, you own it.
The customer predictions generated by predictive analytics deliver more relevant content to each customer, improving response rates, click rates, buying behavior, retention and overall profit. For online applications such as e-marketing and customer care recommendations, predictive analytics acts in real-time, dynamically selecting the ad, web content or cross-sell product each visitor is most likely to click on or respond to, according to that visitor's profile. This is AB selection, rather than just AB testing.
Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing and Web is a concentrated training program that includes interactive breakout sessions and a brief hands-on exercise. In two days we cover:
The techniques, tips and pointers you need in order to run a successful predictive analytics and data mining initiative
How to strategically position and tactically deploy predictive analytics and data mining at your company
How to bridge the prevalent gap between technical understanding and practical use
How a predictive model works, how it's created and how much revenue it generates
Several detailed case studies that demonstrate predictive analytics in action and make the concepts concrete
Instructor: Eric Siegel, Ph.D.
No background in statistics or modeling is required. The only specific knowledge assumed for this training program is moderate experience with Microsoft Excel or equivalent.
Cross-Registration Special: Attendees earn $250 off the Predictive Analytics World Conference
(Chicago early-bird special — sign up by Sept 3. DC early-bird special — sign up by Oct 3. San Francisco early-bird special — sign up by Oct 16.)
For course details, topic outlines, instructor bio, venue information, registration, on-site training options, and registration specials, see:
Save-the-date: February 18-19, 2009, San Francisco, CA
Predictive Analytics World is positioned to be the leading event for predictive analytics professionals, managers and commercial practitioners. This conference delivers case studies, expertise and resources to achieve two objectives:
1) Bigger wins: Strengthen the business impact of predictive analytics deployment
2) Broader capabilities: Establish new opportunities with predictive analytics
Predictive Analytics World's sessions cover business applications of predictive analytics, such as response modeling, customer retention with churn modeling, behavior-based advertising, product
recommendation systems and fraud detection.
Predictive Analytics World
The Predictive Analytics World conference is soliciting speakers - deadline: September 19, 2008
Join Predictive Analytics World to share how predictive analytics delivers a business impact for your organization. Predictive Analytics World provides speakers the opportunity to present predictive analytics case studies, deployment successes and lessons learned.
For more information concerning the types of speaker submissions we are seeking, and about the conference's scope and objectives, see:
Predictive Analytics World Call-For-Speakers
Available on-demand, at your convenience - self-paced e-learning
Predictive analytics is business intelligence technology that produces a predictive score for each customer or prospect. Each customer's predictive score informs actions to be taken with that customer — business intelligence just doesn't get more actionable than that.
Predictive Analytics Applied is a self-paced online course of four concentrated sessions of 60 to 90 minutes each covering:
Applications: Business, marketing and web problems solved with predictive analytics
Core technology: How a predictive model works and how it's created
Evaluation: Measuring how well a predictive model works and how much revenue it generates
Process: Management and project leadership for predictive analytics
Illustrations: Live demos and detailed case studies
Hands-on: Get your hands dirty for 20 minutes with a revealing Excel-based exercise
Personalized support: Online training participants also receive 30 minutes of Q-and-A support with the instructor via telephone or email.
Each session of this self-paced e-learning program may be viewed at your convenience. Since no travel is required and the registration fee is one-third the fee of the in-person training, it provides an economical alternative for ramping up on predictive analytics.
Instructor: Eric Siegel, Ph.D.
For more information and to register for immediate access, see:
Prediction Impact's president, Eric Siegel, Ph.D., will present the a talk at the Enterprise Decision Management Summit, October 26-30 in Orlando, FL, entitled, "Predictive Analytics Produces Business Rules That Deliver."
With three case studies, this talk will illustrate the powerful business benefits delivered online by predictive analytics' rules, including 1) increasing user response to online content by predicting which content is most appealing for each user, and 2) increasing return visits by targeting retention offers to customers predicted to defect. What you will learn:
What business rules produced by predictive analytics look like and how they work
How AB testing results provide experience from which to learn to choose for each customer, rather than going only with one across all customers
How predictive analytics automatically derives rules for decision automation by learning from experience
Prediction Impact has arranged a 10% discount off registration for this conference - use code "8SPES" when you register.
Click here for the conference website
This informative article interviews Prediction Impact's president, Eric Siegel, Ph.D.:
How to Use Predictive Modeling to Pick Your Best Prospects & Boost ROI Up to 172%
What if you could better predict which of your past customers are your best prospects to purchase again? You can with predictive modeling. See how you can use predictive modeling -- the Holy Grail of direct marketing -- to wrestle with and segment mounds of customer data. Our latest Special Report includes: - Modeling basics - A mini-Case Study with a 172% ROI - Vendors guide and useful links
Click here for the full article
eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit
Washington DC, October 20-25, 2008
Tough Times Call for Tough Measures
Now more than ever you need to hone the measurement and optimization of your website and your online marketing. eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit Washington DC gives you the knowledge to do so.
Keynotes include: Home Depot, New York Times,, Symantec
Predictive analytics session: Stay for the 2-day seminar, "Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing and Web" - see the seminar description above in this newsletter.
Register today: save $300 and join the smartest minds in marketing optimization.
Click here for more information
This informative article interviews Prediction Impact's president, Eric Siegel, Ph.D.:
Capitalize on Your Data with Predictive Analytics
What makes Predictive Analytics unique is that it enables companies to customize a marketing and retention campaign message for each customer. Predictive Analytics is the only type of analytics that produces predictive scores for each customer.
Click here for the full article
ITtoolbox is an online community of professionals who share practical information on IT topics. This community enables anyone to access the collective knowledge of a worldwide audience of experienced professionals. In doing so, ITtoolbox satisfies the need for practical and timely information for an infinite number of possible challenges in the complex and rapidly changing field of information technology.
Prediction Impact is proud to have ITtoolbox as a media sponsor, and recommends the use of its Data Mining portal, which may be found within its Business Intelligence Knowledge Base, at
Click here for ITtoolbox's website

"With predictive analytics, each customer's predictive score informs what action to take with that customer — business intelligence just doesn't get more actionable than that!"
—Eric Siegel, Ph.D., President
Based in San Francisco, Prediction Impact, Inc. ( provides consulting services over a range of disciplines, including predictive analytics, data mining, business intelligence, and text mining. Prediction Impact consultants have gained a great deal of commercial experience, working with large banks, manufacturers, retail firms, and online businesses, and enabling these organizations to learn from their data. Most Prediction Impact consultants have earned advanced degrees in relevant fields, demonstrating adept familiarity with core predictive modeling methods.
For more information, contact Eric Siegel, Ph.D., President:
phone: (415) 683-1146