JULY 2011
CONTENTS OF THIS NEWSLETTER: Note: Be sure to add "Predictive_Analytics_Times@mail.vresp.com" to your address book to ensure future event notifications are not captured by your SPAM filter.

NEW WHITE PAPER: Uplift Modeling - Predict Marketing Influence
"Uplift Modeling: Predictive Analytics Can't Optimize Marketing Decisions Without It"
By Eric Siegel, Ph.D. To drive business decisions for maximal impact, analytical models must predict the marketing influence of each decision on customer buying behavior. Uplift modeling provides the means to do this, improving upon conventional response and churn
models that introduce significant risk by optimizing for the wrong
thing. This shift is fundamental to empirically driven decision
This convention-altering white paper, sponsored by Pitney Bowes Business Insight, reveals the why and how, and delivers case study results that multiply the ROI of predictive analytics by factors up to 11.Download this white paper now
WEBCAST: The Translation Layer - The Role of Analytic Talent - July 28
 LIVE BROADCAST The Translation Layer: The Role of Analytic Talent Increasing the impact analytic professionals have on their organizations
Join us on July 28, 2011 - 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST Brought to you by: SAS
Hosted by: Eric Siegel, Ph.D., Program Chair, Predictive Analytics World
Featured Presenter: Lori C. Bieda, Executive Lead, Customer Intelligence, The Americas, SAS
For organizations with multiple lines of business and deep, rich databases, making sense of information has become a business itself. What is needed now, more than ever, is a good translation layer to ground businesses in fact-based decision making. The translation layer is defined as the role that analytical people play, or ought to play, within organizations to bridge the gap between information and powerful business applications. This webinar illustrates why the analytics community must evolve to increase the impact they have on the organizations where they work. Register Now
CONFERENCE: PAW NYC Full Agenda, Keynote on Watson - Oct 16-21 in NYC
 Keynote Announced:
David A. Ferrucci, IBM Fellow and Watson Principal Investigator, IBM Research. Speaking on: "Building Watson - An Overview of the DeepQA Project"
The full conference agenda for Predictive Analytics World NYC has been posted.
Register by Sept 2nd and save $200
Predictive Analytics World, October 16-21 in New York City (http://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/newyork/2011/), is the business event for predictive analytics professionals, managers and commercial practitioners, covering today's commercial deployment of predictive analytics, across industries and across software vendors. The conference delivers case studies, expertise and resources to achieve two objectives:
Bigger wins: Strengthen the business impact delivered by predictive analytics
Broader capabilities: Establish new opportunities with predictive analytics
Predictive Analytics World October 2011 in New York is packed with the top predictive analytics experts, practitioners, authors and business thought leaders, including keynote speakers:
CASE STUDIES: How the Leading Enterprises Do It Predictive Analytics World focuses on concrete examples of deployed predictive analytics. The leading enterprises have signed up to tell their stories, so you can hear from the horse's mouth precisely how Fortune 500 analytics competitors and other top practitioners deploy predictive modeling, and what kind of business impact it delivers.
PAW's NYC 2011 program is the richest and most diverse
yet, featuring over 40 sessions across 3 tracks: 1) "All Audiences",
2) "Expert/Practitioner", 3) "Financial Services" -- so you
can witness how predictive analytics is applied by ACE Cash Express, Blue
Cross, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept., Citibank, Cox Communications,
Fidelity, GE Capital, Heritage Provider Network, Infinity Insurance,
Intuit, LinkedIn, Match.com, Microsoft, New Directions Behavioral Health, New
South Wales Government, Overstock.com, Paychex, Inc., PayPal, Rebellion
Research, United Group Holdings, USPS Office of Inspector General, YMCA, a top
5 international bank, a top global retailer, and three major US banks, plus
insights from projects for Anheiser-Busch, the SSA, and Netflix.
HOT TOPICS AND ADVANCED METHODS: PAW NYC's agenda covers black box trading, churn modeling, crowdsourcing, demand forecasting, ensemble models, fraud detection, healthcare, insurance applications, law enforcement, litigation, market mix modeling, mobile analytics, online marketing, risk management, social data, supply chain management, targeting direct marketing, uplift modeling (net lift), and other innovative applications that benefit organizations in new and creative ways.
FINANCIAL SERVICES: Track 3 sessions are entirely within this industry.
TEXT ANALYTICS: The new conference Text Analytics World, co-located with PAW NYC, provides reasonable cross-registration options.
WORKSHOPS: PAW also features
several full-day pre- and post-conference workshops that complement the core
conference program. Workshop agendas include advanced predictive modeling methods, hands-on training, text analytics, a
bootcamp and full-day intro to R (the open source analytics system), enterprise
decision management, user-friendly deployment, and introductions to predictive
analytics and to business analytics.
More information
View the agenda at-a-glance
View the PAW overview video
Register by Sept 2 for the Early Bird Rate (save $200)
Sign up for informative event updates
Sign up for the PAW group on LinkedIn
PREVIEW: Download the PAW NYC Conference Preview Guide

the conference preview guide for an in-depth look at Predictive Analytic World's all-star speaker
line up and array of case studies, coming to NYC October 16-21. Attendees will
have the opportunity to hear first-hand how their peers and industry experts
are using predictive analytics to improve efficiency, reduce risk, and increase
profits across a wide range of industries.

Download the PAW Preview Guide now
CONFERENCE: Text Analytics World Topics & Case Studies - Oct 19-20 in NYC

Register by Sept 2nd and save $200
Text Analytics World NYC is the business-focused event for text analytics
professionals, managers and commercial practitioners. This conference
delivers case studies, expertise and resources to leverage unstructured data for business impact.
Text Analytics World NYC is packed with the top text analytics experts, practitioners, authors and business thought leaders, including keynote speakers:
Text Analytics World focuses on concrete examples of deployed text analytics. Hear from the horse's mouth precisely how Fortune 500 analytics competitors and other top practitioners employ text analytics, and what kind of business impact it delivers.
CASE STUDIES: TAW New York City will feature over 25 sessions with case studies form leading enterprises in automobile, educational, e-commerce, financial services, government, high technology, insurance, retail, social media, and telecom such as: Accident Fund, Amdocs, Bundle.com, Citibank, Florida State College, Google, Intuit, MetLife, Mitchell1, PayPal, Snap-on, Socialmediatoday, a Fortune 500 global technology company, plus special examples from U.S. government agencies DoD, DHS, and SSA.
HOT TOPICS: TAW New York City's agenda covers hot topics and advanced methods such as churn risk detection, customer service and call centers, decision support, document discovery, document filtering, financial indicators from social media, fraud detection, government applications, insurance applications, knowledge discovery, open question-answering, parallelized text analysis, risk profiling, sentiment analysis, social media applications, survey analysis, topic discovery, and voice of the customer and other innovative applications that benefit organizations in new and creative ways. More Information
View the agenda at-a-glance Register by Sept 2 for the Early Bird rate (save $200)
Sign up for informative event updates Sign up for the TAW group on LinkedIn

CONFERENCE: PAW-Government Agenda Details - September 12-13 in DC
 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN Early Bird Discount (Deadline Aug 12th)
2 days of content, more than 18 topics delivered by over 25 predictive
analytics experts, practitioners, authors, and government thought
Predictive Analytics World for Government, September 12-13 in Washington, DC, is the first vendor-neutral predictive analytics conference for the government, designed to help agency managers understand how they can apply predictive analytics to more effectively and efficiently accomplish their mission.
Agenda Now Available
Highlights include: - Case
studies from Federal, State, and Local agencies such as Department of Justice,
USDA Risk Management Agency, USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Postal
Service Office of Inspector General, Department of Treasury, Department of
Defense, National Security Agency, New South Wales Department of
Transportation, Mexico Tax Administration Service, NASA, and Defense Finance
and Accounting Service.
topics and advanced methods covering fraud detection and prevention, text
mining, law enforcement, food safety, grants management, hotspot detection,
optimization of facilities, ensemble models, supervised/unsupervised predictive
modeling, crowdsourcing, and other innovative applications that benefit
organizations in new and creative ways.
leading government predictive analytics practitioners including:

About Predictive Analytics World for Government:
Predictive analytics reduces fraud,
waste, and abuse, automates manual processes, maximizes productivity of agency
personnel, and drives smarter decisions by extracting actionable insights from
the vast quantities of data within government agencies.
Predictive Analytics World for Government is for
government executives, program managers, financial and HR managers, CIOs and
CTOs, law enforcement, and analytics professionals, covering today's deployment
of predictive analytics and data mining across government agencies and across
software vendors. The conference delivers case studies, expertise and
resources, empowering Federal, State, and Local government to achieve these
objectives: - Drive
Smarter Decisions from Data
- Reduce
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
- Automate
Manual Processes
- Prioritize
Resources and Maximize Productivity
- Detect
Threats and Increase Security
Register by August 12th for the Early
Bird rate (Government employees: save $100; Industry: save $200). Save an
additional 25% for each additional attendee from the same company registered at
the same time
About Predictive Analytics World for Government
Sign up for informative event updates
View the agenda at-a-glance

CONFERENCE: PAW London Keynotes and Case Studies - Nov 30-Dec 1 in London
Predictive Analytics World London, November 30 - December 1, 2011, is packed with the top predictive analytics experts, practitioners, authors and business thought leaders, including keynote speakers:
Plus special featured sessions from industry heavy-weights:
PAW focuses on concrete examples of deployed predictive analytics. Hear from the horse's mouth precisely how FT 500 analytics competitors and other top practitioners deploy predictive modelling, and what kind of business impact it delivers.
CASE STUDIES: PAW London 2011 will feature over 20 speakers from 8 countries with case studies from leading enterprises in e-commerce, finance, healthcare, retail, and telecom such as: ENERGEX, GlaxoSmithKline, Hewlett Packard, ING Belgium, JustGiving, Lloyds TSB General Insurance, OTTO Group, Paychex, The Royal Bank of Scotland, United Group Holdings, US Bank, and Yahoo! Plus special examples from U.S. government agencies DoD, DHS, and SSA.
HOT TOPICS: PAW London's agenda covers hot topics and advanced methods such as churn modeling, demand forecasting with predictive models, discovery of technology trends, financial services, human resource retention, non-profit fundraising, online ad optimization, pharmaceutical applications, project management for analytics, risk management, supply chain management, text analytics, uplift modelling (net lift), and other innovative applications that benefit organizations in new and creative ways.
WORKSHOPS: Post-conference workshop, Friday 2nd December in London: "The Best and the Worst of Predictive Analytics: Predictive Modeling Methods and Common Data Mining Mistakes" - with Dr. John Elder. A free copy of John Elder's book Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications is included.
Join PAW and access the best keynotes, sessions, workshop, exposition, expert panel, networking coffee breaks, reception, birds-of-a-feather lunches, brand-name enterprise leaders, and industry heavyweights in the business. More Information
Register by July 15 for the Super Early Bird rate (save £300)
Click here to sign up for our informative event updates
View the agenda at-a-glance
Click here to sign up for the PAW group on LinkedIn

VIDEO OVERVIEW: Reasons to Attend Predictive Analytics World
What's Predictive Analytics World all about and why should you go?
Watch the video overview of PAW, including statements from Thomas
Davenport, conference chair Eric Siegel, and other conference
participants and VIPs.

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Elements of Success & Hottest Trends in Analytics
 NEW VIDEO INTERVIEW: Elements of Success SAS Knowledge Exchange hosts a video interview with Eric Siegel addressing each of these questions:
- How do you define analytics?
- What elements are necessary for an organization to be most successful with analytics?
- How can organizations evaluate the success of their analytics investment?
- What are the challenges of measuring ROI versus the level of investment?
- Do you have some advice for an organization that is just beginning to dip their toes into analytics?
Click here to view the interview
RELATED ARTICLE: "If you can predict it, you own it: Four steps of predictive analytics to own your market." By Eric Siegel, Ph.D.
Click here to read the article
What are the hottest trends in analytics?
This video, produced and hosted by SAS, is described on their Knowledge Exchange as follows: Eric Siegel, Ph.D., Conference Chair of Predictive Analytics World and Text Analytics World, expands on the innovative approaches of using social data, text analytics and net-lift modeling in this video. He says that analyzing social data - or "what people's friends are doing" - improves predictive models. He also explains that structured, tabular data from applying text analytics to unwieldy unstructured data is a significant source to better predict customer behavior. Lastly, Siegel says that net-lift modeling offers a more complex approach than traditional modeling, as it tells organizations which customers will be receptive to retention offers.Watch this five minute video 
ONLINE COURSE: Predictive Analytics Applied - On demand any time
 Predictive Analytics Applied
100% of attendees rated instructor Excellent or Very Good (details)
Available on-demand, at your convenience - self-paced, e-learning
Internationally-friendly online program
Predictive analytics
is business intelligence technology that produces a predictive score
for each customer or prospect. Each customer's predictive score informs
actions to be taken with that customer - business intelligence just
doesn't get more actionable than that.
Predictive Analytics Applied is a self-paced online course of four concentrated sessions of 60 to 90 minutes each covering:
- Applications: Business, marketing and web problems solved with predictive analytics
- Core technology: How a predictive model works and how it's created
- Evaluation: Measuring how well a predictive model works and how much revenue it generates
- Process: Management and project leadership for predictive analytics
- Illustrations: Live demos and detailed case studies
- Hands-on: Get your hands dirty for 20 minutes with a revealing Excel-based exercise
Personalized support: Online training participants also receive 30 minutes of Q-and-A support with the instructor via telephone or email.
"It's just the best way to enter the amazing new world of
Predictive Analytics! Compact, to the point but still not shallow. And I
love the many strong examples." Ronny Roeller
The Netherlands
More testimony
session of this self-paced e-learning program may be viewed at your
convenience. Since no travel is required and the registration fee is
one-third the fee of the in-person training, it provides an economical
alternative for ramping up on predictive analytics.
View the free sneak preview video right now
Instructor: Eric Siegel, Ph.D.
Cross-Registration Special: Participants may apply half the registration fee towards Predictive Analytics World
Click here for more information and to register for immediate access

CONFERENCE VIDEOS: View Prior PAW Sessions Now - Online, On Demand

Predictive Analytics World is
pleased to announce on demand access to the videos of PAW Washington DC,
October 2010, including over 30 sessions and keynotes that you may view
at your convenience. Access this leading predictive analytics content
online now:
View the PAW DC session videos online
Trial videos – view the following for no charge:
Keynote from Andrew Pole of Target: "How Target Gets the Most out of Its Guest Data to Improve Marketing ROI"
• Sponsored sessions from IBM, SAS, Deloitte, Infogroup, ParAccel
individual conference sessions, or recognize savings by registering for
access to one or two full days of sessions. These on-demand videos
deliver PAW DC right to your desk, covering hot topics and advanced
methods such as:
Social data
Text mining
Search marketing
Risk management
Survey analysis
Consumer privacy
Sales force optimization
Response & cross-sell
Recommender systems
Featuring experts such as: Click here to see all speaker video topics

PAW DC videos feature over 25 speakers with case studies from leading enterprises such as: CIBC,
CEB, Forrester, Macy's, MetLife, Microsoft, Miles Kimball, Monster.com,
Oracle, Paychex, SunTrust, Target, UPMC, Xerox, Yahoo!, YMCA, and more.
How video access works:
View slides on the Left, See & Hear Speaker in the Right Window

Click here for more information

TRAINING SEMINAR: Predictive Analytics for Business - Oct 27-28 in San Francisco
Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing & Web
Program: Predictive Analytics for Business, Marketing and Web
Dates: Two-day intensive session: Oct 27-28 (San Francisco)
98% of attendees rated instructor Excellent or Very Good (details)
**The official training program of Predictive Analytics World**
Bring this course on-site. Give your personnel a complete understanding of predictive analytics, on your premises and at your convenience.
About This Seminar Business metrics do a great job summarizing the past. But if you
want to predict how customers will respond in the future, there is one
place to turn - predictive analytics. By learning from your
abundant historical data, predictive analytics provides the marketer
something beyond standard business reports and sales forecasts:
actionable predictions for each customer. These predictions encompass
all channels, both online and off, foreseeing which customers will buy,
click, respond, convert or cancel. If you predict it, you own it.
The customer predictions generated by predictive analytics deliver
more relevant content to each customer, improving response rates, click
rates, buying behavior, retention and overall profit. For online
applications such as e-marketing and customer care recommendations,
predictive analytics acts in real-time, dynamically selecting the ad,
web content or cross-sell product each visitor is most likely to click
on or respond to, according to that visitor's profile. This is AB selection, rather than just AB testing.
Predictive Analyics for Business, Marketing and Web a concentrated training program that includes interactive breakout sessions and a brief hands-on exercise. In two days we cover:
- The techniques, tips and pointers you need in order to run a successful predictive analytics and data mining initiative
- How to strategically position and tactically deploy predictive analytics and data mining at your company
- How to bridge the prevalent gap between technical understanding and practical use
- How a predictive model works, how it's created and how much revenue it generates
- Several detailed case studies that demonstrate predictive analytics in action and make the concepts concrete
- Five Ways to Lower Costs with Predictive Analytics
"A very insightful and interesting seminar. I plan to
put data mining and predictive analytics to work for us right away
thanks to your ability to make this an approachable subject." Rob Ford
Director Pricing
Getty Images
"At Intuit we're already using data as an asset on the web, but
this course makes it very concrete how we can take it to the next
level." Jared Waxman
Web Analytics Leader
More testimony
Instructor: Eric Siegel, Ph.D.
No background in statistics or modeling is required. The only
specific knowledge assumed for this training program is moderate
experience with Microsoft Excel or equivalent.
Cross-Registration Special: Attendees earn $250 off the Predictive Analytics World Conference
Course outline, venue information, registration, on-site options, and discount offers
SERVICES: Predictive Analytics Consultation and Resources
"With predictive analytics, each customer's predictive score informs what action to take with that customer. Business intelligence just doesn't get more actionable than that!"
- Eric Siegel, Ph.D., President
Based in San Francisco, Prediction Impact, Inc. (www.PredictionImpact.com) provides consulting services over a range of disciplines, including predictive analytics, data mining, business intelligence, and text mining. Prediction Impact consultants have gained a great deal of commercial experience, working with large banks, manufacturers, retail firms, and online businesses, and enabling these organizations to learn from their data. Most Prediction Impact consultants have earned advanced degrees in relevant fields, demonstrating adept familiarity with core predictive modeling methods.
For more information, contact Eric Siegel, Ph.D., President:
phone: (415) 683-1146
email: eric@predictionimpact.com